about us

L.A. Speech and Language Therapy Center, established in 1979, is a leader in providing comprehensive treatment and services to individuals with communication needs. Our center specializes in providing a range of related services to individuals diagnosed with autism spectrum disorders and other diagnoses resulting in social cognitive deficits from early childhood through adulthood. We affirm that our programs and specialized support can have a dramatic impact on the quality of life and independence for children and adults with special needs. Our centers embrace all cultures and believe that effective communication is a human right.

our programs

Speech & Language Therapy

Services Include

Early Intervention 18mos-3yrs

Program Specifics

Social Skills

Program Highlights

Summer programs

Program Highlights

employment readiness

Program Highlights

spectrum shield police training

Program Highlights:

UPS Store Training Lab

Program Highlights

Drama Kings and Queens

Program Highlights:

Center For Enriched Education Preschool

A small private preschool for typically developing children 2- 4 years.

The Therapeutic Preschool

Wiley Academy for Specialized Learning (WASL) preschool is a therapeutic language based preschool program for children with special needs ages 3-5 years.

What to do when your child has nothing to do

Learn how to engage your child in Arts n’ crafts and reading with 10 weekly fun filled interactive activities and videos which promote and enhance language development in children 18 months to 5 years.

in the news